Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mexico?! Really!

In just 6 short weeks, my hubby and I will be staying here....KIDFREE AND WORKFREE!!

We are taking a vacation to Puerto Vallarta Mexico.  When I originally mentioned taking a vacation for our anniversary, I was thinking a nice bed and breakfast on the north shore.  My hubby said, "No- we are going to Mexico!!"  I about fell over!  I still can't believe it and feel like I'm dreaming.  The trip was officially booked today.  In just 6 weeks, this little dream is going to be a reality!  AND I've only had anxiety over leaving the kids a 1/2 a dozen times! They will be staying with gramma and grampa and I know they will be fine.  I'm just going to miss them like crazy.

Friday, October 19, 2012

It's a Potty Kinda Day!

YES!  My little peanut Chloe sat on her big girl potty and actually peed!  I can't even believe it!  The best part was seeing her run out clapping and then hearing her BIG bro say, "Good Job Chloey! I'm sooo proud of you!!  Such an encouraging big bro!  I love it!  AND I love hearing his sweet little voice just loving up his sister!  I also love seeing ALL of us- yes, daddy was home this morning too- doing the happy potty dance!  Man my kids have some pretty awesome dance moves!  I love it!  These are the days I always want to remember!  Everyone in the house was excited this morning, which is on rare occasion.  Beau is usually THE biggest crab ever!  But not this morning- thanks to his little sis!!

Chloe has for the most part always squated when she pees and poops.  She also generally wakes up around 11pm because she has wet herself.  I'm praying we are on the road to early and easy potty training.  Of course if it doesn't work out that way, I'm okay with it.  This is just one of those days that I want to remember and journal about!

PS- she also went when we got home from grammy's house!  yay for my sweet little peanut!  She can't talk but man that girl has dance moves!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why I love Fall....

These are just a few of the reasons I love fall (other than leaves changing, autumn scentsy warming, pumpkin pie and muffins, trail mix and pumpkin patches.)  These are the biggest reasons:

These little mini-me's make it so much more fun....These are the days and moments I want to always remember.

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baby's FIRST Hair Cut

Okay. So I gave in.  Chloe got her first haircut today.  When I woke up to this: (the little scratch on her cheek just adds that much more) (Love those brownies!!)

And this:

 I felt it was time.  It was looking like a rat's nest.  So, off to get a haircut we went....

Here she is waiting with me:

She sat so good!  I couldn't believe it!  Just looked around a little and let the gal cut away. 

Isn't she sweet?! 

So...her hair looks 10x better!  I can't believe how much bigger she looks with it cut!  Makes me sad!  She's still my baby though and is still ridiculously cute!

Haircut Place: Cost Cutters Grand Rapids MN
Stylest Name: Tera
Time of Day: Noon- during nap time and she was sooo good!
Cost: $10
Age: 15 Months Exactly!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Swimming-0 Beau-1

We've decided to no longer be in swimming.  A few weeks ago while at swimming, the instructor took beau's floaty devices away, leaving him to swim with only the guidance and help from his instructor.  There were a few times he struggled while swimming across the short end of the pool.  Water was up to his chin.  He finished swimming the distance and told the instructor he had to go potty (props for not peeing in the pool!).  I came over to get him and asked him if he was okay.  He told me he didn't have to go potty, rather he wasn't going back in the water.  I took him to the bathroom and he told me again 'there was no way he was going back there.'  Well, we went back and he entered the water for a few more minutes and then we left. We got home and I couldn't help but feel bad. 

On Monday of this week, he asked me if he had to go back to swimming.  I told him we would try it again and I would talk to his instructor and ask that they keep the floatys on him.  He was okay with this.  Wednesday came and well, he didn't make it into the pool.  We arrived and he told me he wanted to just watch.  So we watched.  He started feeling more comfortable and said he wanted to go in.  We walked over, grabbed a noodle and a floaty belt.  He was already to get in.  Then....changed his mind.  So we left.

We left and he told me he was afraid.  Again I felt bad for him.  I don't want swimming to leave a bad taste in his mouth.  I was disappointed the instructor never told him why she took his flotation devices away from him.  The reason she took them away was because she felt he was ready to move forward without them.  This would have been huge for him and would have reassured him that he is a GREAT swimmer.  Instead what beau saw was other kids with them and he was left without them.  This is huge for a 3 year old.  3 year olds want to do what their friends are doing.

I couldn't help but ask myself if I pushed him with too many things...a new school, AWANA and swimming.  This is A LOT, a lot for anyone. A friend reassured me today that sometimes it's okay to push your child.  There will be things they grab a hold of and times they'll simply tell you they don't want to do something.  I respect the fact that he isn't going to be in swimming and that my 3 year old son told me he was afraid and didn't want to be in it anymore.  I respected him enough to not push him.  His opinions and feelings matter.  I would have felt the same way he did....As parents, we pick our battles. In my opinion, this was not a battle to pick.  I would not like someone pushing me to do something I didn't want to do or feel comfortable.  So parents, communicate with your child- even if they are only 3.  They are important people too.

So, here's to hoping that swimming will be eventually be a positive experience for him.  He loved the first class he was in and loved to swim this past summer.  I'm hoping this too shall pass.  And yes, I will be contacting the Y to give my food for thought.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Life as we know it....

There have been a few huge things that have happened in our house the past month:

a) Chuck and I became members of our church West Cohasset Chapel (WCC).  On Sept 23rd 2012 we gave our personal testimonies to our congregation following service.  It was very moving to hear the testimonies and to see how our Father has touched all of us in different ways.  Our journey started last November when we began the 'basics' class.  We couldn't be happier to be part of WCC.

b) We now have a preschooler!  This little man was pretty excited to start his first day of preschool. 

He will be in school 2 days a week, Mon and Tues from 8-3. He was most excited about getting to ride the school bus, which he didn't actually get to ride until the 2nd week.  The bus will pick him up and drive him about 5 blocks (with his teacher on it) to his daycare providers house.  Even though he is only going a short distance, I had to think about it.  I guess it is every kids dream to ride the school bus.  It was sweet seeing him stand with his friends holding hands while waiting for the bus....  Yup, I left with tears.

Some of my favorite beauism...
  1.  "Just joking!  I was just teasing...."
  2. Wearing his little deer hat...cutest when it's on backwards.
  3. Sleeping in his undies, just like daddy.
  4. 'Oh Man!'
  5. Telling knock knock jokes.
  6. Star of the day at school on Sept 25th 2012.
  7. Funny faces and giggles
  8. Chocolate Milk!
  9. Mom are these on the right feet? 
  10. Mom, I think if I ate buddy he would taste like chicken on the grill!
  11. Climbing up mounts of dirt and saying nobody will catch me up here!
  12. Pum over here...(Doesn't say come very well)
  13. My feet are too sweaty to sleep with my slippers so I'll just cuddle them right up.
Beau recently saved and saved for his vtech camera and earned stickers for good behavior.  He also started swimming at the Y and AWANA at church.  He's learning so much already in his little 3 yr old brain.  He amazes me with the questions he comes up with: "There's only one God right mom?" "Did God make this or that?" He will sing "Jesus you are stronger, higher than any other...." not word for word of course but I love hearing his sweet voice singing and especially love hearing him come into Chloe's room to sing 'twinkle twinkle little star'.... or 'rock abye baby on the treetime...' (love that treetime...)

Beau is also becoming quite the big boy too.  He's feet are a size 11 and he wears a size 5 in jeans/pants and shirts.  I can't believe our boy is getting this big already. 

He's all boy, through and through.  He loves to ride his bike, play in the sandbox, ride his john deere, carry sticks, wear his rubber boats everywhere, get dirty, run, play super heros and play with swords.....yup that's my boy.  He even asked santa to bring him a work belt already.

c) Chloe now sits in a forward facing car seat!  This is a whole new world for her!  The first day I kept looking back at her in her big girl carseat and she was just a smiling away with her big brownies looking at me.  Recently I've been putting her hair in a little pony on the top of her head or to the side.  She really needs her hair cut but her little hair is so fine and thin and well, she's my baby and I don't want to cut it! 
She's a pro at pointing to what she wants and running and getting into everything or climbing...yes, she's a climber.  Worse then beau ever was.  Last week we lost a phone due to chloe throwing it so we were out of phones for a few days. She also loves to cover her baby with a blanket and make sure she's all snuggled in.  She has 2 of the same dolly because she loves it so much I had to get a 2nd one as a replacement when one is being washed.  She loves beau's trucks and climbing all over the kitchen chairs.  Don't set any drinks down on the end table and if you do, make sure you set them back far enough.  She grabs everything and our carpet has become very stained.  She doesn't like wearing socks or shoes and she only has 1 pair of shoes that fit her.  Well sort of.  Her right shoe constantly falls off.  As much as she doesn't like to wear her own shoes, she loves to wear other people's shoes and is constantly putting shoes on while walking around the house.  Usually only one at a time.  It's priceless. 
She's almost 15 months and can still get a way with some 12 mos clothing.  Her shoe is a size 4. She loves to giggle and snuggle up to her puppies when they are laying down.  She loves her daddy and says 'dada' when she wakes up in the morning.

This past week, Chloe was tested for allergies.  A rash appeared Labor Day weekend and we have not been able to get rid of it.  It's fadded some after taking her off of all dairy but there is still traces of a rash.  We will know the results this week and pray this is the answer.  Her iron was low so she's now on a vitamin 'fortified' with iron.  We'll see how that goes.

d) Chuck's been working on a huge job in Crane Lake.  He's been gone for going on 3 weeks.  When he is gone, oh how I miss him.  And appreciate him.  I feel so very blessed to have a man that helps me with the kids and with things around the house.  There is just something that is very comforting when your hubby is home too.  Just being in the same room as him...know what I mean?

e) As for me....I'm just trying to enjoy these days with my kids.  They amaze me everyday and I'm just enjoying the ups and downs of motherhood and all the memories that come with it.

Enjoy the ride, for this life is just a glimpse of what awaits us!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A day in the life of the Richardson Rugrats....all before naptime!

This is what our morning looks like- all before naptime :)

 Playing in Chloe's crib

Giggles and more Giggles

 Cooking up some breakfast for Mommy

Looking for something to get in to....

Taking funny pictures with mommy

Trying to play on the computer downstairs....

And coloring together....

Playing with glow worms and dolly's...possibly going potty.  Bugg squats when she goes potty.  I'm hoping that's a sign of easy potty training :)  One can hope right?

Swinging outside before the rain comes...

Being a kid and having fun~!

And finally lunch time!  Yes, my kids are eating mac n cheese and hotdogs!  Why? Because what kid doesn't eat them?! :)

Have a fun day!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Weight Watchers update

Here I sit....10 lbs lighter!  Yay me!  I only lost .2 this past week, but I'll take it!  Last weekend we enjoyed a kidless weekend- ate out, had a few cocktails, etc.  Needless to say, this week I felt like I was trying to lose the lbs that I knew I most likely had gained!  On to a new week now!

That's all...just wanted to send an update :) 

Any plans for Labor Day weekend?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A little Scrappin!

This morning I woke up before my family and got a little scrappin in!  All products are close to my heart (check out my website to the right).  The papers I used are from the Avolena pack and the Dakota pack.  I love these pictures of beau.  He is so full of life so the stampset I used was perfect.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Yup I said it....weight.  It's an ongoing battle with me.  Since having 2 kids, I just have not taken the time to lose the weight I've wanted to and have let my body resume it's 'natural' mode.  Or should I say, 'stay at the weight it feels comfortable at.' Before I had my first kid, I was able to drop 45 lbs (through weight watchers) and was around 140.  I felt amazing, looked cute, wore cute clothes and was happy with my weight. Then I got pregnant and gained around 55 lbs.  Like many, I had the 'I don't care what I'm doing because I'm pregnant' attitude.  Well, it caught up with me.  By the time I got pregnant the 2nd time, I was 175.  There was no way I could let myself gain 55 lbs like I did the first time around.  The weight was maintained and only 23 lbs latched on.  (A miracle! (and struggle but worth it!))

Well, last Monday I took the plunge and signed up for weight watchers online.  It worked for me once, must work again right?  After signing up, friend requests were coming left and right offering support!  It was crazy!  It was like having your own cheering crowd...well I guess in a way, I do (besides my supportive hubby). Yesterday was weigh in day #1 (Friday is weigh in day for me- you can pick your day but I chose friday so I could enjoy the weekend, know what I mean?) and guess what....6.6 lbs gone!  Just like that!  HUGE weight loss week!  Talk about motivation! Now, I realize not every week will be like this, been there/done that, but 6.6 will definitely keep me focused for the next week!

Any other weight watcher fans out there?  Current or Lifetime?  What are some of your favorite recipes?

PS- Testimonies went well...some of us cried like a baby (not naming names hehe).  Chuck and I were pleased with how everything went and relieved to be done!

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

What's today?

Today is THE DAY my husband and I give our personal testimonies to our Elder board at church.  This is an exciting day for us as we continue our journey to becoming a member of our church, West Cohasset Chapel.  Chuck and I have come a long way and I'm proud of us.  We continue to grow everyday with our faith and I can see His work in us and our family.

Have a wonderful Sunday and remember all that there is to be thankful for.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

We've got Veggies! and lots of Pumpkins!

For the first time, our garden is doing well!  And this is the first year I've actually enjoyed gardening!!  Canning has taken over my life these past few weeks but its been fun.  It's a great feeling to see the finished product too!  Our family will enjoy our canned goodies throughout the winter.  So far pickles, peaches (store bought), green beans and pickled green beans have been canned.

This is a blurry picture but this is about 1/2 of our canned goods.  Salsa, stewed tomatoes and pumpkin will be added to the group later this month.

Our garden has pumpkins to the left, then cucumbers and zucchini, beans (3 rows), carrots, radishes, tomatos, then peppers and a few random corn stalks that showed up for the party on the right end.

We've got pumpkins!  And this isn't even the largest of them.  B has his pumpkin all picked out.  Last year we ended up with about 30 pumpkins.  I'm guessing this year we'll probably double that.  We only planted 2 plants and this is what happened....

a 'few' pumpkins!

Here's one of the best gardeners in training....

And here's the other...

Here's a fun picture for you...a boy and his dog.  I love this picture.  Mixmatched clothes (that are also on backwards), rubber boats and running with a best friend. If only you could have heard his giggles.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The past month....

Well, I have definitely been slacking when it comes to blogging!  Oh well, what I can I say, we've been out living and enjoying LIFE!  Our happenings include: 2nd annual trip to the cities, camping, celebrating 4th of July, playing games with family, water parks, a trip to Duluth and celebrating our baby girl turning 'the big' 1! (I'm sure there are a few things I have forgotten!)  Here are some pics of our last month!
 What do you do when you forget frying pans while camping?  Use tinfoil! :) Good work daddy!

Camping! I love how they are both pointing!
Water parks are fun!
Looks like a pretty excited boy if ya ask me! (Water park in Duluth)

We visited the science mueseum of MN to see dinosaurs and other really cool things.  This is about the time B told me we could just have marshmallows over the flame for lunch :) I had been there before when I was a kid but I completely forgot how many cool things are there!!

Having a day at the pool....our little beach babe!
Visited a lot of friends....

And met some new friends....

Went on a lot of rides at Como Town! The frog hopper ride was B's favorite! I thought for sure there was no way he would ride it and wouldn't ya know he rode it twice!

Fun Family day at the lake with games and a lot of fun entertainment :) She is trying to get the cookie into her mouth without touching it...pretty funny to watch!

Goofing off....having fun and being a kid!

Picture from family day at the lake...so fun that day! Lots of fun and to think there were 3 families missing this day!

Visiting Great Gramma GG

Learned to ride his bike with training wheels!  He finally wanted to learn!  So proud of him :)

Sharing a birthday celebration!

Our baby is 1!  Her brother gave her a baby for her birthday and I'm pretty sure she hasn't set it down yet :)

We love you bugg!  Happy first birthday!  I can't believe a year has already went by!  You bring so much joy to our life!

Can't say there is ever a dull moment!  So, there you have our last month in a nutshell! :)  Until next time!