Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What's up?

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted to this blog. So many things have happened.  Mexico was awesome, Christmas even more awesome!  Now that we got that out of the way, let me start off by sharing some things about my babies:

  • Gained 5 lbs and grown 1.5 inches since July.  He now weighs close to 50 lbs and is 42 inches.  Wow!  He's in the 93rd percentile.
  • Shoe size is a 12.
  • Listening has improved so much since preschool started.  I've seen so many big changes in him.  He's growing.
  • Very inquisitive about everything.
  • Wants to help with everything. He will go into Chloe's bedroom when she wakes up and say "good morning sister.  You want your baby?  Mama's coming." It's amazing to me and honestly a lot of times I just listen and soak it all in.  I can't believe how she responses to him too. 
  • Beau loves to be encouraging- "good job daddy/chloe/mommy"
  • Lately it has been frustrating that he does not want to go to church sunday school or awana's.  He's so used to being at home with daddy and mommy that the thought of going into a class by himself is terrifying.  We're working on it.
  • We say our prayers together- we are learning together how much we need jesus.  He's asking questions....the seed is getting planted.
  • Beau is very sweet natured but also has a very funny side to him.  Here are a few beauisms:
    • Just doing my job mom! (said this after donating some money to children's hospital- I told him how kind that was and this was his response)
    • He told me how to make sugar cookies from the package- "first add the mix, then the water and egg, bake it and Walla!"
    • "Mom, I don't want to call my monkey fat George anymore.  I'm going to call him late for dinner."  (what?  Yes, he learned that from his father!)
    • "It'll knock your socks off!"
  • His favorite foods are tacos, yogurt, cereal bars, apples, carrots, ranch dressing, bananas, oranges, ham, deer (that was beau's response), pig (he also just said that- hehe), pancakes, strawberries, blueberries, etc.  He really isn't all that fond of peanut butter.
  • Went ice skating for the first time 2 weeks ago. He did great and we shared so many laughs.
  • Blows a kiss to me, I blow one back and he grabs it and says "got it mom!"

  • Currently 21.11 ozs- has gained 1.5 lbs since July and has grown 3 inches!!  Wow!  She's in the 40th percentile.
  • Shoe size 5.
  • Words she's now saying: bobo, mama, bubba, bebe, kitty, puppy, cookie, yeah, nooo, car, book, daddy, mumbles thank you.
  • She's a pro at laying on the floor to throw a fit.
  • She has started timeouts but I'll admit, I'm not consistent...
  • What can I say, she's tiny and cute and hilarious.  She climbs like a money and keeps right up with her brother.  
  • She still wants a bottle before bed- it's been horrifying trying to take it away from her.  Every night she gets less and less.
  • She'll go potty on the potty chair during bath time and we all clap and say yay!
  • SHE EATS ALL DAY LONG.  Seriously!  There's no such thing as A snack.  She constantly has food in her hands.  Not just one hand either- oh no, needs to be both hands. 
  • When you see chloe entering a room, she most likely will have a doll or a book in her hands or Both! 
  • Chloe gives high fives- it's fun!
  • Her hair is somewhat growing out since gramma Richardson cut it. There was a little fruit snack situation that called for an emergency hair cut....
  • Chloe loves her book with baby jesus on it.  (It's a Christmas book).  She says, "bebe jesus."  It warms my heart.  Chloe warms my heart.
  • She's kinda giving up the nap.  She definitely has a mind of her own when it comes to naptime.
  • Chloe's obsessed with shoes- any and all- boots included.  She also loves putting on beau's pants and mom's underwear. She came out of our bedroom one day with about a dozen pair of underwear on.  It was hilarious and of course I didn't get a picture.
It's been very cold here lately which makes it hard to do anything fun with the kids.  We've been in the house playing games, watching tv, playing the wii, making up games, baking, reading, etc.  Chuck's been home with the kids on the days that I work.  They have fun- the house may look like a bomb went off when I get home but the kids are happy.  He was able to sneak a way for a week a few weeks ago to go hog hunting in texas with dan.  Although they didn't come home with any hogs, they came home with deer.  He had a good time and a good first experience. 
As for me, I started a few online classes: accounting and economics.  So far so good.  I think 2 classes are the perfect balance though- anymore and I may be wondering what the hell was I doing and did I make the right choice  - oh who am I kidding, I wonder that so many days.  Not only pertaining to school, but also in regardss is to parenting, being a wife, a friend, etc.  But I think that's how most women feel.
So there it is in a nutshell....this is the life....oh so good!